JAYAPURA.tabloidpapuabaru.com, - the General Coordinator of the NGO Komonitas Masyarakat Adat Papua Anti-Corruption (KAMPAK) Papua, Dorus Wakum stated that there was no goodwill from the state in eradicating corruption in the country. To that end it feels concerned and restless with the conditions that occur today. Moreover, there are many corruptors who when they are free to come forward to run as a candidate for regional head. This assertion was conveyed by the General Coordinator of Kampak Papua, Dorus Wakum, to this Online media through an official release sent to the editor Tuesday (30/9) 2024. Dorus said that if this is allowed to continue, it is feared that it will have a bad impact on the country and nation.I imagine First the leadership of President Suharto, there is no chance for those who are corrupt, who want to advance this candidate and that candidate. This assertiveness is real,but today everything is destroyed the country is increasingly destroyed in the frame of corruption,collusion, and nepotism,” said wakum prihatin. Mentioned with the Reformation in Indonesia, this depraved act should be reduced if necessary to disappear from the earth of Indonesia. It turns out that all of that is just a dream, today we see and witness the law being broken for the sake of the rotten beast of corruption. The wrong is justified, the right is blamed. People are no longer ashamed of the thief of lightan, the law is no longer feared, because so far the law can be bought by the authorities aka people with money. Even though the social stamp of Thieves, corporators, Thieves and others, is no longer ashamed. Wakum said, in front of the public with a firm resistance to the law, as if to be innocent, this is a legal fact in the field that those who run as candidates for the election of Governor, Deputy Governor, Regent, Mayor, Deputy Regent and Deputy Mayor with his gamblang concocting beautiful and clean phrases and sentences really contrary to their actions or deeds. Not to mention that Dorus Wakum continued that these elements justify various ways to smooth out their interests. They have the right to protect their name, customs,tribe, and religion so that they can seize the power in the hands of the people in order to perpetuate their evil plans. "Yes, this is the face of State Crime used by the perpetrators” crime on behalf of the state who always take refuge behind the wings of the Eagle as a symbol of the state.He said. On the basis of the reality of this country, KAMPAK PAPUA as one of the institutions of the Anti-Corruption movement in eastern Indonesia, asked President Prabowo Subianto to exterminate the corruptors in this country in accordance with his promise. "Kampak Papua hopes that Mr. Prabowo is elected president of the military, so the background or military discipline must be applied or enforced in enforcing the eradication of corruption in Indonesia in accordance with the promise of Mr. President Prabowo Subianto in public speeches that you will lead the fight against corruption,” he hoped. Kampak Papua asks that there should be no more circulars from the Ago, Police Chief , and KPK to make it easier for corruptors to compete in the context of regional elections, both governors, regents and mayors. If the Government of President Prabowo Subianto is based on Truth, Justice, and honesty, then corruption must be eradicated so that what is the hope and dream of 08 is ready to be realized as one of the best statesmen in this country. But also do not in the name of statesmen and then wrap this extraordinary crime of humanity as a rot that destroys what is the ideal of the nation and state, then the prophecy that President Prabowo Subianto once conveyed that 2030 Indonesia will be dissolved. So on the basis of Mr. Prabowo Subianto's expression, the Papuan KAMPAK continues to support and encourage President Prabowo Subianto to remain at the forefront and fight corruption together for the sake of the beloved Indonesian nation and state. Dorus Wakum said that his party has remained faithful to fight corruption, collusion, and nepotism despite facing various challenges.we remain steadfast and loyal as an institution of the Papuan Anti-Corruption movement ( GAK-PAPUA ) continue to support the state in eradicating and prosecuting corruption, collusion, and nepotism . President Prabowo Subianto symbol of the fight against corruption, collusion, and nepotism in Indonesia. Indonesia Advanced, Indonesia Eradicated Corruption.”show Wakum optimistic. (humaskampakpapua)***.

Source: https://tabloidpapuabaru.com/kampak-papua-negara-melindungi-koruptor-maju-calon-pilkada-maka-negara-bertanggungjawab-atas-bobroknya-pelayanan-publik/