-JAYAPURA / Papua is fertile with promising natural resource potential, but the reality on the ground is not as expected by all parties and even humans are increasingly suffering on their own land.
Based on the results of the investigation of the indigenous Papuan Community Against Corruption (Kampak Papua), many findings and community reports were found that allegedly every company that entered papua did not have a mining business license.
The overlap of IUP is the main problem that occurs in local, provincial and even central government.
"IUP activities in papua province are very high in corruption because the issuance and determination of IUP issued by the head of the Papua region and province is not through the provisions of Law Number 4 of 2009.
Issuance and determination of IUP without following clear rules so that it can harm the state finances and damage the environment in the surrounding area," said Secretary General of Kampak Papua, Johan Rumkorem via message via whatapps, Saturday (23/12)
The anti-corruption activist also added that there were about 124 names – the name of the company issued by the Director General of Mineral and coal to the directors or leaders of companies in the province of papua regarding the contents of the circular letter from the Directorate General of Mineral and coal No. 07.E/35/DJB/2014 on the procedure for payment / deposit of non-tax State recipients and non-budget electronic receipts from Mineral and coal natural resources and fill in the information column on the type of payment of principal fixed contributions for the period 2013,2014 and 2015 in which the letter is suspected of harming state finances worth Rp 256 billion.
"Therefore, we are writing to the KPK based on the available evidence to call and examine the directors or leaders in Papua province for allegedly issuing people's mining business licenses in mining areas that are not in accordance with the area, amount of reserves and mining equipment so that the IUP issued by the Mining Authority can cost the state finances hundreds of billions of rupiah," Johan added.
Johan suspected that there were indications of gratification in the determination of IUP in mining areas, " so we ask the KPK to go down to Papua, not to mine without coordination with the community, because the fact on the ground that is affected is the community, when there are indigenous territories mining, it's a big mistake, hangan because you have business interests that sacrifice the people," said Johan.
There are a number of points where the mining areas that are currently being dredged belong to indigenous territories, " so coordination with customary rights owners should be enough, Freeport is a problem for others, I think the KPK should go down to Papua to see this issue, because many regional heads are involved in the issuance of IUP, not only that the mode of asking for kickback from the IUP decree must occur, because papua province has the highest metal potential, so of course there are many mining mafias in papua," Johan said.
"I think the public has the right to report because it is guaranteed by the law, which is in the regulation of the Minister of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia number 40 of 2015 on guidelines for managing public complaints within the Ministry of energy and Mineral Resources written in Chapter II, Article 2 in parts a, b, and c on abuse of
Therefore, on the basis of this law, his party requested the firmness of anti-corruption institutions to examine regional and provincial heads who issued IUPS without a clear legal basis.
"One of them is PT. Pacific Mining and PT. Benliz Pacific which has been operating since 2013 to 2016 has a non-tax tax debt (non-tax recipients) which is suspected to have misappropriated state finances worth Rp 31.7 billion," said Johan
According to Johan, the two companies did not submit their PNBP to the state, so we asked the KPK RI to follow up on the report submitted by the community, because the overlap of people's mining business licenses in papua indicated corruption.
"The KPK must be serious and firm to follow up on community reports in order to succeed the President's government Program in eradicating corruption and extortion, as well as building Papuan human resources that are equitable, fair and prosperous on the land of papua, we Papuans fully support the KPK to eradicate corruption in the land of cenderawasih," concluded Johan
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